Talofa Everyone!
Well all I can say is i love the MTC!! It is seriously the hardest thing ive ever done saying goodbye to my family for 2 years but I turned around and i have 2 companions that i already love. Elder Barclay from Paul Idaho and Elder Fenger from Anaheim California! They are 2 way cool elders and its nice because we all came in at the same time so we are all new and dont know what to do! haha but anyway I walked in the MTC and they gave me a yellow packet with my nametags and then the elder took me to my room and i put my stuff down and he took me right to my Samoan language class. Theres 5 elders and 4 sisters in there and we were all new so we had no idea what was being said because our teacher did not speak a lick of english the first 3 hours! I have come to realize that the gift of tongues is soo real because after 2 days of learning it we can speak some of it and we teach an investigator tonight in only Samoan! Its crazy how strong the spirit is here! We had a district meeting last night and i have never felt the spirit so strong before. Our branch president is the coolest guy and he really taught me and made me realize why I am on a mission. Read 3 Nephi 5:13. I was really struggling yesturday with not having my family around and i really wanted to just cry but ive learned that if i turn to my heavenly father he can give me strength to do what i need to do. One of the missionaries in our district didnt have his endowments yet because he was from an island by the marshal islands and today we went to the temple and did a session with him and i can honestly say that i felt so much comfort as i walked out the temple doors and I now know why I am on a mission. Well I miss all of you guys and know that your all in my prayers! Love you guys. I will send some pictures as soon as I can!
Elder Fawson
This absolutely made our day! So glad to hear he is loving it!
His Room!
His companions Elder Barclay and Elder Fenger!
In Class!
He said he was trying to look tough like Elder Barclay!
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